Future grains industry leaders from Indonesia are getting a taste of the Australian grains value chain as part of the second annual Australia Awards Short Course on Grains Value Chain Leadership Program.
Delivered by Grains Australia, the program gives the next generation of Indonesian leaders a rare opportunity to develop their networks and grains supply chain knowledge. AEGIC is an initiative of the Western Australian State Government and Grains Australia.
While being hosted by AEGIC, the group was treated to a hands-on session on exactly why Australian wheat is so sought after for noodles and baked products in South East Asia – complete with sensory testing, of course.
Indonesia is a major market for Australian wheat. In 2023, Indonesia imported about 4.3mmt of Australian wheat worth nearly $2 billion (source: ABS).
AEGIC regularly provides technical support and information exchange to Indonesian customers to help them optimise the value of Australian grain and understand their quality needs to maintain Australia’s position as a preferred wheat supplier.
Indonesian flour millers prefer using Australian wheat for noodles because of its milling quality, and excellent colour and colour stability.
The Grains Value Chain Leadership Program is funded through the IA CEPA ECP Katalis program, an Indonesian and Australian government initiative specifically created to maximise the benefit of Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Arrangement (IA CEPA). This program is developed and delivered through collaboration with Industry partners Grains Australia, the Indonesian Flour Milling Association (APTINDO) and the Indonesian Feedmills Association (GPMT).
The program is managed by Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI) and implemented by the University of Queensland (UQ).
Other organisations work closely with Grains Australia to deliver the Program including:
- Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC)
- CBH Group
- GrainCorp
- GrainGrowers Limited
- The Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA)
- Grain Producers Australia (GPA)
- The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)
- InterGrain
- Grain Trade Australia (GTA)
AEGIC is an initiative of the Western Australian State Government and Grains Australia.