AEGIC eLearning for flour millers
AEGIC’s eLearning platform can help Indonesian flour mills develop the skills of employees through comprehensive and accessible online training.
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Developed by AEGIC in partnership with Grains Australia and IA-CEPA Katalis, this training is designed to upskill workers and enhance efficiency in Indonesia’s rapidly growing flour milling industry.
Download eLearning brochure in English
Download eLearning brochure in Bahasa Indonesia
October 2024: With investment from Grains Australia, AEGIC is working on a project to adapt the eLearning platform to the Chinese market.
The eLearning platform will develop the skills of Chinese flour milling staff, with a focus on understanding how to use and optimise Australian wheat. Delivering the eLearning platform in Mandarin and English will increase the reach of a proven training program, strengthen Australia-China industry relationships, and increase awareness of the benefits of Australian wheat.
This course is an introduction to the milling process and will benefit all flour mill employees, including:
Course materials are available in English and Bahasa Indonesia, and are designed to be widely accessible, regardless of gender or educational background.
Flour mills can be spread over multiple sites. AEGIC’s eLearning platform overcomes distance and the need for time away from work.
AEGIC’s eLearning platform supports the internal training offered by flour mills by providing employees with a solid foundation of up-to-date technical knowledge of the entire milling process.
The training will drive better performance within the Indonesian milling industry, making companies more globally competitive and able to support flour and flour-based food exports.
An efficient and informed Indonesian milling industry will be better able to extract value from Australian grain through higher flour extraction rates, leading to improved flour mill profitability.
AEGIC’s eLearning platform is an online training platform, accessible on PC or smartphone. The self-paced training consists of a series of modules covering wheat quality, the milling process and other mill operations.
Each learning module contains a 10-minute video, followed by a short assessment. Participants can complete the course online, at their own pace, when and where they want to.
At the end of the course, participants complete a longer assessment and receive an AEGIC Certificate of Flour Milling.
Records of participant training are maintained on the eLearning platform and can be used by milling companies to support ISO certification or as staff development records.
The eLearning project was delivered with support by Mathew Rees, AEGIC’s Senior Miller, through investment from Grains Australia and IA-CEPA Katalis.
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