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Barley MultiMalter pilot

Through this Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) investment, AEGIC’s MultiMalter (MM) prototype will be extensively validated to meet the cost and user requirements of breeders, maltsters, and brewers. This will aid in streamlining grower access to improved varieties, as well as users of Australian barley being able to adopt new Australian malting varieties faster for an efficient value chain.

Completed (as of October 2024)

  • We engaged an independent intellectual property consultant to survey key collaborators and prepare an interim report on potential working models for the MultiMalter to bring value to the industry.

Scheduled (by March 2025)

  • Feedback from interviewed contributors was positive and is now being analysed to identify pathways forward.
  • We will finalise the report by the end of November 2024 and present recommendations to GRDC in early 2025 on the next steps to bring the MultiMalter into full operation.
  • We will continue testing the MultiMalter to determine malting performance with different malting protocols (temperature, steeping, and germination duration) across different varieties, seasons, and locations.

If you would like to know more, please contact us

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AEGIC builds strong relationships with industry stakeholders, who recognise the value we deliver, seek our expertise and invest in our projects. We collaborate with a range of industry partners to increase value across the Australian grains supply chain.


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