Information packs
These information packs can help flour millers extract more value from Australian wheat and provide guidance on how best to use Australian wheat and other grains for whole grain products.
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This information pack explains how choosing high quality wheat, such as Australian wheat, though sometimes more expensive per tonne of raw wheat purchased, can actually result in significant savings when compared to milling cheaper low-quality wheats.
This technical information pack demonstrates how to maximise value when milling whole grain flour.
Our aim is to help flour millers understand why and how to produce whole grain flour according to the global definition.
This information pack aims to support food manufacturers across South East Asia (SEA) who are interested in producing more whole grain products.
The information pack provides guidelines on how to produce whole grain foods using Australian wheat.
This information pack highlights the health benefits of whole grains, outlines global strategic initiatives for defining and promoting whole grains, and provides recommendations for increasing whole grain consumption.