AEGIC Members
AEGIC is an initiative of our Members: the Western Australian State Government, through the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), and Grains Australia.
Grains Australia is an initiative of the Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC). Grains Australia and AEGIC work together in an integrated way to drive better outcomes for Australian grain growers. AEGIC is a delivery partner for Grains Australia’s market insights and market education services.
AEGIC is overseen by a skills-based Board of Directors. AEGIC’s Members Grains Australia and DPIRD each nominate one Director to the AEGIC Board, joined by two independent Directors.
AEGIC is the Foundation Member of the Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council (GLNC).
Investment in GLNC is provided by AEGIC, as well as organisations from across the grains and legumes value chain that have a pre-competitive interest in promoting the health and nutrition benefits of grains, grain-based foods and legumes.